Single Contract Crate Setup

You can find the code for this example in the cw-orch counter-contract folder.

If you are a fast or visual learner, you can find a Before-After view of the cw-orch integration process in the sample contract.


Before we can create an interface we need to add cw-orch to the contract’s Cargo.toml file. In counter run:

$ cargo add cw-orch
> Adding cw-orch v0.16.0 to dependencies.

or add it manually to the counter/Cargo.toml file:

cw-orch = {version = "0.21.2" } # Latest version at time of writing

Even if you include cw-orch in your dependencies here, it won’t be included in your wasm contract. Learn more about this behavior in the section about Wasm Compilation.

Crate Structure

Now that we have our dependency set up, we can create the files that will contain our interface. We will create that interface in an file inside the crate (counter/src/ Then, we need to include that file inside our project. However, that file will contain multiple cw-orch elements that are not exposed when compiling your WASM. In order to prevent errors when compiling for Wasm, we will import our file and target-flag it like so, in counter/src/

{{#include ../../../contracts/counter/src/}}

In the next section, we will learn how to define the interface to be able to interact with an actual contract inside this file.

Final structure

Following the steps above, the directory structure should eventually look like this:

├── Cargo.toml
├── artifacts
│   └── counter_contract.wasm (binary file)
└── counter
    ├── Cargo.toml
    ├── bin
    │   └──
    └── src
        ├── (execute, instantiate, query, ...)
        ├── (ExecuteMsg, QueryMsg, ...)
        ├── (`cw-orch` contract structure definition)
        └── ..


  • The artifacts folder is generated by the rust-optimizer, and contains all your compiled contracts

  • Place your scripts inside the bin directory. Those can be run using the following command:

    cargo run --bin deploy

Now that the setup is complete, you can go back to the Contracts page to create the interface for your contract and start scripting/testing your contracts withe ease.